Exp-eri-essing Life

Exp-eri-essing Life
My Life "Lay-out"

Life Itself


Hello Bloggers! 

I recently just found out that I am going to be an aunty to a GIRL! Chaniyah Rae-Ann Forest! I absolutely can not wait to get her in my arms....I definitely need to come up with a nickname for her!!! Both me and Uncle Cody need to! God is SOOOO good! What an awesome God we have!!! I also can ot wait to have a little bundle of joy myself. I couldn't ask for anyone better to be the father to my angels!!! Only God!!! My future is soooo bright! I can not only see it but I can feel it!!! God is with me and mine! I know He is!!! That is why I try my hardest to praise God as best I can!!! I am super excited about the future! Education, Careers, Family, House, and best of all, Church!!! Only God can make this happen!!! #Believe #OnlyGod

Hello again Bloggers! Well I have been through some things. No one will ever understand but God! Thats why I am trying my hardest to keep positive and to keep my head on straight! Sometimes I just want to give up but quitting is not an option for me. I know there are people in this world that go through much worse than I do! There is so much going through my mind daily that its almost impossible to think straight! I also feel that I can post anything on here because no one ever really views my blog posts anyway. Geez it is just so much!!! I know I can get through it but I want to get through it and keep my same mind frame not go crazy!!!! Its tough when others dont understand me!!! My heart feels so heavy right now like its about to burst!!!! Well, until next time Bloggers!!!

Sooooooooo I am back home for Christmas Break!!!! Happy and excited to see what the days bring...Only God knows!!!! Welllllll.....2 of my really close friends Tevin & April are going off and living their lives together!!! Its sad but it must be done!!!! My coach always said "people are in your life for a reason, season, and a lifetime" I honestly think that they are in our life for a lifetime!!!! I love those guys!!! We will see them again!!!! :) #Friends

-Sharae Shevette

My Day....21....Boom!
Today is my 21st birthday!!!! I want to thank God for allowing me to see another birthday and I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes!!! I also want to thank the love of my life for being there for me!!! I love you baby boy!!!! :) <3

Life Changer
The Bae and I really love this ring! I so hope that I can get this ring some day!!!! Only God!!! :)

"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." -Nora Ephron

I_Heart Designer
Designer Jeans

Designer Boots

Designer Jacket


Hopefully one day I'm loaded with different varieties of these designer items!!!! :)
Until next time Bloggers!!!
-Sharae Shevette

Difficult Experience
So yesterday and today I experienced a couple of hard things in my life....this was all between pregnancy, urinary tract infection, and an STD...all at once!!! WELL.....I knew for a fact that the STD was out of the question because mii and my partner are each other's first!!! Plus we have been faithful!!! Well I then wasn't too worried but then I started to think about pregnancy....It had been 2 weeks of the symptoms I was feeling so I finally decided to go to the clinic at my university. My boyfriend and I had talked seriously about this....pregnancy...the STD....everything...he was shocked that STD had even popped up....it was challenging because I knew it would be hard to convince him to understand....well today I took some test.....all came out NEGATiVE!!!!!! It was a huge relief for the both of us....even though we knew that the STD subject was already ruled out!!! It was a crazy 2 days.....There is nothing wrong but I still don't understand why I was having pain....well as long as I am good I am not worried....so thank you God for watching over mii and my boyfriend!!!! I also want to thank my boyfriend for being there for me!!! I love you baby!!! Someday we will have a little one....just not this soon!!!! Thanks for listening bloggers!!!

Favorite Bible Quote
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13

10 Things About Me
1. I love to laugh!
2. I am very creative!
3. I love to be different!
4. God is number 1 for me always!!!
5. I love my boyfriend to the fullest!
6. I don't get mad easily at all...upset? Yes!
7. I would rather talk something out first!
8. I can't stand assumption makers...especially when they
realize they have done so but dont apologize anyway!!!
9. I love to text!!!
10. I hate surprises!!!

Thats it for now ppl :)